Firearms Application
The new online application is APPLICANT DRIVEN. If you as the applicant makes a mistake while applying, you can simply RE-APPLY. You applicant should understand that all application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. You MUST utilize the correct ORI for the correct Police Department (see below). Most of the ISSUES INCURRED/CREATED by the APPLICANT during the online application process are unable to be altered after submission and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. After determination that the error occurred on the applicant’s side, the Police Department has the discretion to instruct the applicant to re-apply.
For firearms applicants that have resided outside of New Jersey within the last ten years, please complete the Mental Health Release Authorization form and return a signed copy to the Rutherford Police Detective Bureau:
Mental Health Release Authorization
Applicants can apply via https://njportal.com/NJSP/FARS
The required ORI for the Rutherford Police Department is: NJ0025600
Carry Permits
Before applying for an initial or renewal carry permit, applicants shall read the following documents from the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General:
Carry permits can be applied for via:
Important note: Applicants for carry permits must apply for an Firearms ID card (if not in possession of one already) before they apply for a carry permit and then wait for a detective to contact them with further directions after they submit that application.