Arts Committee

Meets Monthly

Council Liaison: Matthew Cokeley
Chairman: Eddie Narucki

Matt Ackermann
Ali Arnone
Alex Britez
Pat Bonner - Recreation Dept Rep
Dr. Emmanuel Camacho
Laura Clossy - Rutherford Public Schools Rep
JJ Gonzalez
Jennifer Gonzalez
Marion Johnson - Rutheford Public Library Rep
Nicole Linardos
Dylan Marchetti
Peter Martinez
Michael Pelczynski
Katie Pippin
Jake Plunkett
Megan Scauri
Gina Statile
Jeff Statile
Cailtlin Ultimo
Rachel Nicastro

The Rutherford Arts Committee is dedicated to the promotion of arts throughout the Borough. In recent years, the Arts Committee has created avenues and increased visibility for local musicians and visual artists. The Arts Committee works closely with the Recreation Department to bring arts programming to Rutherford residents of all ages.

• PorchFest 2024
Details coming soon!

• Clara's Tunnel
Clara's Tunnel is a pedestrian thoroughfare connecting Park Avenue to public parking at the Kip Garage on Kip Avenue. The Arts Committee collaborated with Borough officials to maintain an arts component in the 2022 Clara’s Tunnel renovation project. These display cases are used to feature multidisciplinary local artists and artwork - from students, residents and beyond. Public art is integral to community building. Art is accessible to everyone - it is a way to foster connection and a sense of identity, it expresses community values, and it beautifies spaces. We look forward to bringing Rutherford ’s myriad artistic talent to this space in the future. For more information email Kim Bogosian at

• Rutherford Rocks
Rutherford Rock is a program for kids in the 3rd to 12th grades who are proficient with a musical instrument and looking for peers to jam with! Rutherford Rocks groups have the opportunity to perform at local events and hone their talents while learning how to be part of a band.

• Battle of the Bands
The Arts Committee is gearing up to host the 2023 Battle of the Bands! Check out last year's >Battle of the Bands Recap and stay tuned for more information!