Civil Rights Commission
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the Month
6:30 pm
The February 19th meeting will be held at the
Meadowlands Museum, 91 Crane Ave
Regular meetings are held at Borough Hall - 2nd Floor, Blue Room
Council Liaison: Christie Del Rey-Cone
Chair: Ginny Perrin
Secretary: Lori Rosario-Griffin
Clara Jamison
Jarrod Schaeffer
Cristina Evans-Munoz
Gretchen Corsillo, Library Dir. Advisory Member
Eddi Raymond, RHS Student Liaison
Click here for Civil Rights Commission minutes and agendas.
The Rutherford Civil Rights Commission (RCRC) is a Mayor-appointed Commision composed of Rutherford citizens
who put into practice the intent and spirit of federal and state civil rights laws. The first organization of
its kind in Bergen County, it was founded in 1964 by former Borough Councilman, Robert E. Wesp whose
pioneering maxim, “Do justice, show mercy, walk humbly.” formed the bedrock of the Commission's current
purpose to help protect our diverse community's civil rights.
Today, the Commission is governed by a set of By-Laws authorized by the Borough of Rutherford and in
accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:5-10 - the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. See References for a copy of our
The Rutherford Civil Rights Commission serves to promote diversity and equality in Rutherford for the
protection of all civil rights against discrimination. Through advocacy, education and collaboration, the
commission fosters understanding, acceptance and inclusion of all members of our diverse community.
Our vision is for Rutherford to be an inclusive community that values empathy and understanding, upholds human
dignity, respects human rights for all, so that all feel safe, empowered, and welcome.
We value all people and their differences and believe that every individual has the right to be treated with
dignity and respect, regardless of:
• race
• age
• color
• mental or physical disability
• creed
• education
• sex
• economic status
• gender
• marital status
• affectional or sexual orientation
• familial status
• gender identity or expression
• political affiliation
• national origin/ancestry
• We educate by promoting civil rights awareness and coordinating cultural and educational programs that
cultivate open and effective dialogue.
• We organize initiatives and events that advocate community, cultural awareness, cooperation and acceptance
of all.
• We facilitate opportunities for community members to assemble, be seen and be heard, especially during
collective moments of crisis, reflection and civic responsibility.
• We partner with local organizations and businesses to co-sponsor, collaboratively develop and support youth
initiatives, community events, and educational efforts devoted to civil rights advocacy.
• * We make recommendations to the Mayor and Council to initiate and improve Rutherford government program,
policies and procedures designed to eliminate discrimination or remove effects of past discrimination.
• * We provide voluntary non-binding conflict resolution, an informal process to mediate complaints of
discrimination through a confidential, facilitated dialogue in order to help guide parties towards a mutually
beneficial resolution of their disagreement.
*dependent on RCRC bylaws consensus
Former Councilman and Rutherford Civil Rights Commissioner Robert Wesp is one of the founders and pioneers of
the Civil Rights Commission of the State of New Jersey. The Civil Rights Commission of Rutherford is the first
organization of its kind in Bergen County. The purpose of the commission is to protect our diverse community's
civil rights. We put into practice the intent and spirit of the New Jersey law against discrimination as well
as the federal and state civil rights laws.
As part of its mission and purpose, the Rutherford Civil Rights Commission may provide voluntary, non-binding
conflict resolution. This is an informal process to mediate complaints of discrimination, harassment and civil
rights violations through a non-public facilitated dialogue to help parties come to a mutually beneficial
resolution of their disagreement.
All civil rights complaints shared with the Rutherford Civil Rights Commission must be in written form.
If you have a civil rights concern that you would like to bring to the Rutherford Civil Rights Commission's attention, please include as much information as possible and send the complaint via email to or mail it to:
Rutherford Borough Hall176 Park Avenue
Rutherford, NJ 07070
Attention: Rutherford Civil Rights Commission