Borough Hall is Closed Monday, February 17th in Observance of Presidents' Day

Please click on an item below to download the appropriate form and return to the Borough Clerk’s office.

Banner - Over Park Avenue – Rutherford Community Organizations can apply to have a banner installed over Park Avenue at Donaldson Avenue for community events. Applications will be reviewed for timing availability. It is advised that the organization wait to receive approval before having the banner constructed. Application and banner specifications attached. Banner applications are accepted no sooner than six months prior to the event.

Block Party

- Block Party Application

- Block Party Policy

Business Permits: Temporary Outdoor

Business & Rental Insurance Registration – In accordance with P.L. 2022, c. 92 and Borough Code, Chapter 48, Business and Rental Properties Owners are required to file appropriate proof of insurance annually with the Borough prior to July 15th and the annual fee of $25.

Construction/Zoning Permits

Dumpster – If you need to place a dumpster on the street or driveway, a permit is required at the cost of $25.00 for 15 days. If being placed in meter spaces $25 per day, per meter.

Employment Application

Event Coordinator Packet

Firearms Applications - Handled by Rutherford Police Department.

Film Permit – Borough Ordinance requires permits when filming within the Borough.

Garage Sale – You are allowed to hold three (3) garage sales per calendar year and must phone the Clerk’s Office to register the sale. A garage sale is defined as the selling of used household items. There is no fee.

Handicapped Parking Request

Hold Harmless Agreement

Landlord Identity Registration Form - Required to be filed with the Borough Clerk and distributed to tenants in single unit dwellings and in two unit dwellings that are not owner-occupied.

Limousine License – Certificate to obtain “o” license from Motor Vehicle available only to a business based in Rutherford with a Certificate of Occupancy. Fee is $50 per car, insurance policy and proof of ownership required.

Memorial Park Bench Sponsorship Application

Mobile Storage Unit (POD) – Maintenance of container must meet requirements of Ordinance # 3126-06. Storage units must be legally parking in compliance with NJ Motor Vehicle laws. Fee $25. If being placed in meter spaces $25 per day, per meter.

OPRA – Public Records Request – A request for a copy of a public record should be submitted on the Open Public Records Act form mandated by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5 (f) and adopted by the Borough. Note, that Questions 1 – 3 must be checked off or the submission will be deemed incomplete and denied.

Parking Lot Permits

Parking Payment Coupon

Parking Meters – May be reserved for purpose of construction job or moving van in the business districts. Meters are $25 per day per meter.

Resident Parking Permits

Raffle Licenses - A Guide To When You Need A Permit

- 50/50 Cash Prize Application and Merchandise Prize

- Off-Site Merchandise Sample Ticket (Required with Application)

Pet Licensing - Handled by Rutherford Police Department.

Serve Beer Wine in Playgrounds and Recreational Areas

Sidewalk Repair Reimbursement Application

Social Affairs Permits – Issued to non-profit organizations. Must be applied for at least 21 days prior to the event date to be submitted online. NOTE - If you are applying for this permit less than 21 days prior to the event date, you must submit a paper application at least 14 days in advance.

Apply online to the State here

Solicit for Charitable Purposes – Permit required for charitable organizations to fundraise in the Borough. Application with required documentation must be provided with a $10 fee.

Solicitor Permit – Applicants must complete background checks and authorization from the Mayor & Council is required.

Street Opening – Permit required to cut into any roadway. Certificates of Insurance with a $5,000 deposit for maintenance due at time of application required. $100 new opening or $45 for a repair.

Taxi Cab License – Required for every taxi cab. Application, insurance policy and proof of ownership required with $100 fee per year.

Video Game and Amusement