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Path To Addiction Presentation 6/9

Thursday June 9 - 7:00PM

Lyndhurst Senior Building

250 Cleveland Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ

Presented by: Bergen County Prosecutors Office, Commissioner John Montillo, Lyndhurst Police & Rutherford Police Departments

A Message from Police Chief Russo:
Please attend this seminar pertaining to drug abuse. A must for parents of students.

Many people turn to heroin after “liking” the feeling of prescription pain killers or opiates such as Oxycodone and Percoset.

We are a are a society that does not want pain and wants something to “fix it.” You have dental work or a car accident and you receive pills. This is where heroin addiction begins.

Join us for a FREE riveting presentation.

Questions: Sgt. Richard Pizzuti 201-939-2900 ext. 2740

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