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Heartsaver Program
Designed for anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting and needs avcourse completion card.
Ideal for teachers, students, parents, babysitters, troop leaders andvworkplace safety personnel. Receive Completion Card valid for 2 years.
Rutherford Volunteer Ambulance Building - 44 Ames Avenue
Thursday, January 17, 2019, 6 PM – 9 PM Registration deadline: 01/14/19
Saturday, February 9, 2019, 9 AM – 12 PM Registration deadline: 02/06/19
Fee: $20/Person. Minimum of 10 students per class. Maximum of 20 students per class.
Class limit will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Contact: Sergeant Julie Ann Zeigler via email jzeigler@rutherfordpd.com or call 201-460-3054.