Borough Hall is Closed Monday, February 17th in Observance of Presidents' Day


Any Resident group of 10 persons or more who wish to use any Borough Park facility is required to apply for a Park Permit. Applications can be picked up at the Recreation Department. There is no charge for Non-Profit Resident Organizations. An ordinance to amend and supplement the code of the Borough of Rutherford, Chapter 73, entitled playgrounds and recreation areas, Ordinance No. 1809.

$50 for the first hour, $25 for each additional hour.

Pavilion, Bandshell or Park permits:

Resident Group or Individual Event $50.00
Resident Company Event—employees of company $75.00
Non-Profit Res. Group, organization or educational facility NO FEE
Non-resident Event 1-25 participants $100.00
Non-Profit resident group, organization or educational facility, with the exception of Tryon Field $50.00
Non-resident Event 51-100 participants $150.00
Non-resident Roster or Event participant $75.00

Field Permit

Resident profit youth group—field permit – per hour $50.00
Resident non-profit youth group-field permit & field permit w/lights NO FEE
Resident non-profit adult group-field permit $50.00
Resident non-profit adult group– field permit w/lights $200.00
Non-resident non-profit group –field permit $100.00
Non resident non-profit group-field permit w/lights $250.00

Tryon Stadium

Resident non-profit adult group-field permit – per hour $25.00
Resident non-profit adult group– field permit w/lights – per hour $50.00
Non-resident non-profit group –field permit – per hour $50.00
Non resident non-profit group-field permit w/lights – per hour $100.00