Borough Hall is Closed Monday, February 17th in Observance of Presidents' Day

Office of the Tax Assessor

Located in Borough Hall
176 Park Avenue, Main Level

Contact Info

phone: 201-460-3006
fax: 201-460-3008

Hours: Thursday 4:30pm-7:30pm or by appointment

Tax Assessor: Matthew Rinaldi


The assessor is responsible to see that all property is the Borough is assessed at the correct value. The office also handles applications for Veteran Deductions, Senior Citizen Deductions, Deductions for those that are permanently disabled and for Veterans who meet the criteria for being tax exempt to permanent disability.

Sometimes property owners feel like their property is assessed higher than it should be. Every taxpayer is eligible to file a tax appeal. The following link will bring you to the website for the Bergen County Board of Taxation which should answer any questions you have about filing a successful appeal. In addition, their website has a property record search link, where one can find their assessment data.

Bergen County Board of Taxation