Borough Hall will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


No person shall do any of the following acts to public street and/or park trees. Residents are required to call the Rutherford DPW/Shade Tree Commission @201-460-3000 ext 4008 to file a request for observation of Tree service and/or Tree issues.

Tree Injury

A. Cut, prune, break, injure, remove, disturb, or interfere in any way with any tree, including the root system;

B. Spray with any chemical any tree or near a tree that is deleterious to tree health;

C. Place salt, brine, oil or any other substance injurious to plant growth in any street, park or any public property in such a manner as to injure any tree;

D. Fasten any rope, wire, sign or other device to a tree or to any guard around such tree; provided however, that nothing herein shall prevent any agency of government from affixing, in a manner approved by the Shade Tree Commission, public notices upon a tree in connection with the administration of governmental affairs;

E. Remove or damage any guard or device placed to protect any tree;

F. Close or obstruct any open space provided about the base of a tree to permit the access of air, water and fertilizer to the roots of such trees;

Construction Protection

G. Build any fire or station any tar kettle, road roller, fuel oil dispensing truck, or other engine in any street or any other place in such a manner that the heat, vapors, fuel, or fumes therefrom may injure any tree as determined by a licensed tree expert;

H. Store equipment, supplies or building materials in the tree protection zone or pile any debris such as soil and rocks against any shade tree;

I.Excavate, change grade or pave within four (4) feet of any tree;

J. Use or operate any power equipment or any other implement or tool in such a manner as to damage or destroy any tree;

K. Make any site improvement, erection, alteration, or repair of any structure or building without placing required protection around all street trees and nearby trees as will effectually prevent injury to such trees as directed by the Shade Tree Commission; (the owner, contractor, or other person in charge thereof)


L. Plant any tree in any park, street or public property;


M. Place or maintain in any street or park any stone, cement, sidewalk or other substance within four (4) feet of any tree which shall impede the free access of air or water to the roots;

N. Where any tree is to be surrounded by pavement of stone, cement, asphalt or any other substance tending to impede the free access of air and water to the roots of the tree, no portion of such pavement shall be nearer to any portion of the base of the trunk than four (4) feet;

O. Shade Tree permits shall not be required for any necessary work performed by the Department of Public Works during normal work operations.