Borough Hall is Closed Monday, February 17th in Observance of Presidents' Day

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Dog Regulations

The Rutherford Health Department reminds residents that under Borough Ordinance, dogs are prohibited from being at large or on a leash in any of the Borough’s playgrounds, recreation areas, park lands, and sport fields. With the fall schedule of sporting activities coming up in the near future, it is imperative that dog owners fully cooperate with the rules and regulations governing dogs that are in place. Violators can be subject to a fine up to $200.00.

Additionally, all dogs are required to be leashed when off the owner’s property, licensed annually through the Police Department Records Bureau, and walked in compliance with the provisions of the Borough’s Pooper Scooper Ordinance.

Borough Officials intend to actively enforce the regulations prohibiting dogs on all playgrounds, recreation areas, park lands, and sport fields. The cooperation of all dog owners is requested to protect the health and safety of those residents using Rutherford’s public recreation facilities.