Borough Hall is Closed Monday, February 17th in Observance of Presidents' Day

Rutherford Borough Officials are asking for the public’s cooperation by complying with parking restrictions on designated snow emergency streets during a snow storm.

Click here to view parking restrictions on designated snow emergency streets

Using a back-up generator? Please review this information.

Help us to help you during a snow storm!

When snow is forecasted, residents should be aware of the following:

1. Residents are strongly encouraged to receive real time emergency alerts and general community notifications, including snow emergency information from the Police Department, by signing up for free text messages/e-mail notifications here. Additionally, residents should sign up for the Borough’s emergency notification system through Swift 911.

2. Parking is prohibited on snow emergency routes when the roadway is covered with snow. Vehicles parked in violation shall be subject to ticketing and towing. Snow emergency streets are posted. Please remove all vehicles from snow emergency routes when snow is predicted in the forecast or when you are out-of-town.

3. Parking is permitted again on snow emergency streets when the roadway is plowed to the curb, snow has ceased falling and the roadway is no longer snow covered. Snow emergencies are lifted through the borough notification system.

4. Vehicles are prohibited from being parked without being moved for five days on any Borough street regardless of the weather. After a snow storm, vehicles must be dug out and moved within five days or they will be subject to ticketing and towing. Move all vehicles into driveways when snow is forecasted. If you do not have a driveway, talk to your neighbors about sharing driveways. It is much easier to shovel out the driveway entrance to the street then to attempt to shovel out a car that has been plowed in and is subject to a summons and being towed.

5. All sidewalks must be cleared of snow and ice within 12 hours of daylight after a snowfall or a winter storm. By Borough Ordinance and State Statute snow shall not be shoveled, plowed, or otherwise placed in the roadway. When shoveling out or using a snow blower, do not put snow back out on the street. Residents on corner properties are asked to shovel a path out to the street for all pedestrians.

6. Waste containers should not be placed in the street when a snow storm is forecasted and should be placed in an un-obstructed location, such as the driveway apron or tree belt.

7. Please be mindful of fire hydrants when clearing sidewalks and make them accessible to the Fire Department in the event of a fire.

8. Motorists are prohibited from parking their vehicles across the public sidewalk and allowing their vehicles to partially extend into the roadway.

9. The Police Department reminds residents that no one can place any object, including but not limited to chairs, traffic cones, garbage cans, etc., into the street with the intent to save a parking space. Waste containers placed into the street for garbage and recycling purposes shall not be viewed as a violation of Ordinance 56-2.